Pao Pow - Journal

Pao | 9-28-01 | 21:56

Mood: relaxed
Song: Akino Arai - Voices

I did a couple of pics in Bryce since yesterday. One is all done but I still have some minor things to do in the other. I'm going to post them both at the same time, probably sometime later today. I also did some major work on the boots I was talking about a couple of posts ago. The entire sole is done and I'm moving up to the rest of it.

The new story, which will be called "Stay Calm" is coming along nicely. I'd say that about half of it is written now while I'm still kicking around the last parts in my head. It'll be short, probably 1500 or 2000 words. It's done all as a narrative from one of the two (maybe three) main characters and has no dialouge because I suck at dialouge. The first draft will be done by monday.

I'm starting to fall a little behind in school and since I really want my parents to buy me that new computer, I'm gonna spend most of tomorrow studying and catching up on owed work. It is safe for you to assume that I hate school quite a bit. I don't hate it for the usual reasons that most people my age will give you, I hate it because most of what is taught there, besides math, is close-minded euro/america centered bullshit that's not worth knowing. We're reading the "Scarlet Letter" in english and while it's message is anti-puritan, it is still pro-christian which I cannot stand. I don't see how so many people can believe in something that cantradicts itself on every turn. Oh well. That's reality for you.

Pao | 9-27-01 | 10:23

Mood: excited
Song: Rage Against the Machine - Guerilla Radio

Hey people. I just woke up from a kickass dream/nightmare that I'll be turning into a short story soon. It was a 1984-ish situation and that's all I'm goign to tell you (heeheehee).

I had a long talk with my mother last night. She wanted to ask me why I'm angry all th etime and I gave her a little glimpse at what I think of the world and life. I told her how I don't think that everyone has good in them and almost everyone has evil in them. She disagreed with me on that and most other things because "we were made in god's image." I still don't have the heart to tell her that I don't believe in god so I was feeling pretty bad about then. I'm gonna go start writing this story.

Pao | 9-26-01

Mood: sleepy
Song: Paul Robeson - Old Man River

Hey folks. Sorry about the 5 day lapse in the journal entries. I've been without glasses for a while no thanks to my 1 year old brother who quite enjoyed kicking me in the face and breaking them. I'm back though with the "BlankMan 2001" model frames complete with stylish scotch tape.

I've got a couple of new projects in the works at the moment. I'm doing this alligator-ish creature in Rhino and it's proving to be a huge pain in my ass. It's supposed to be one of the many animals that inhabit the world of my movie that's in the process of being written (and going quite slowly I might add).I just had to restart in completely today because of major seam problems with the cross section curves I was using. I may not finish it at all actually. I've also got a futuristic car in the works whose front is based on the original head of the creature. It is coming along a whole lot better than the creature and will probably be done by next week, minus the textures. I'va also started creating the outfit of one of the main characters in the movie. I'm doing her boots which is proving to be a lot more complicated than I thought. It's coming along though and I liek what I've done so far.

I just got 3DS Max the other day and I still need to learn how to use it. If you know any good sites for learning the basics or you can provide me with some help personally, e mail me.

Pao | 9-21-01

This is the first journal entry. I plan on starting off each journal by stating my mood and what song I'm listening too, if any. I'm feeling pretty crappy right now because I've got a headache. I'm listening to the song from the lobby fight scene in the Matrix and my playlist just switched over to Roll Right by Rage Against the Machine. My day was pretty good. I have no doubts that I failed my first math test of the year today. I take this college level calculus course called Math Methods and it is the most difficult thing I've ever done. I'll get through it though. My parents are pissing me off as usual, mostly my father, over stupid shit. I'm going to go to bed now, my head is really killing me. Hopefully future journals will be better than this.