Pao Pow - I will Soar

I will Soar

Pao | 9-16-01

I will soar.

I will soar above all. I will soar above pain. I will soar above anguish. I will soar above need. I will soar above death.

I will escape. You will not contain me. You will not stop me. You will not hinder me. You will not pursue me. You will be gone.

I will feel no pain. I will not worry. I will not grieve. I will not mourn. I will not hope for I will not need hope.

I will be content. I will be happy. I will be ecstatic. I will be in bliss. I will be one with all. I will be all alone.

The stars shall be my home. I will sail the ether seas. I will sail alone. I will close my eyes and float. I will float forever. I will soar.