Pao Pow - The Crash

The Crash

Pao | 9-11-01

What the fuck?

What just happened today? Unless you just woke up and went straight to reading my paper, you know that 2 airplanes crashed intentionally into the each of the towers of the world trade center as well as an additional plane crashing into the pentagon, one outside of Pittsburgh, and another going from Boston to San Francisco that crashed in a location unknown to me. If, like most Americans, you're screaming for the blood of whoever is responsible for the attack, I have one question for you: What would it solve?

People are saying "They must pay" and some are even saying, "Nuke the Arabs." I was watching C-span to day and one listener was so bold as to make the comment "You'll get yours, pal," referring to the terrorists responsible. Isn't that exactly what those terrorists were thinking as they planned such an action? "You'll get yours, pal" is the foundation of all things wrong with global politics. Peoples' need for vengeance is something that we still openly admit.


Can't you see that violence will only result in more violence? Human beings are currently taking the first step from cave men to something else. Will it be something better or something worse? Things aren't looking good.